The Porn Industry Seeks a Federal Bailout - The Madness Needs to End

Porn industry seeks federal bailout

Wow really? Is the porn industry too big to fail? I guess if it crashed, the internet would lose about half of it’s content… So that’s something. But come on, this is beyond ridiculous. I think there is enough of it stockpiled in the basement bedrooms of 30 year olds still living with their parents, and working at Radio Shack, that we should be just fine if no more films were ever made. Yes, there is enough of hidden in perv's closets, mattresses and nightstands, that we could live on a steady diet of it for years to come. Time to let it fail.

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Moving on. A trillion dollar deficit… The 2009 proposed budget for the United States Federal Government is $3.1 trillion. Let’s put this into perspective. The following is from

One trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 -- 10 to the 12th power, or a thousand thousand thousand thousand. To put things in perspective, current estimates put the number of stars in the Milky Way as somewhere between 100 and 400 billion. The U.S. population is slightly over 303 million, and the world population is around 6.6 billion.

So times that by three, and you have our national budget. The proposed budget would put the US deficit over $1.2 trillion. How do you justify spending $1.2 trillion more than you bring in? I couldn’t spend $1.00 more than I bring in, without getting into debt. If I didn’t have credit, I couldn’t spend $1.00 more than I bring in, without a check bouncing, and me facing jail time. Where is the accountability here?

You can’t fix a countries economy by increasing it’s debt. You can’t save an economy by spending money that does not exist. In the end, this only serves to perpetuate the problem. The Government isn’t doing our capitalist economy one bit of a favor by bailing out failing companies. In a capitalist system, companies fail for a reason. If you are too weak, if your business is unprofitable, if you make bad business decision, if you are unethical and it catches up to you, you will, and should fail.

As I have said before:

Spending is out of control in Washington, and I'm sad to say it wasn't any better under a Republican Senate and Congress than it is now under a Democrat Senate and Congress. This madness has to stop. Government needs to shrink, government programs need to shrink, taxes need to shrink. The government is dipping it's toe in places it was never meant to be, and in some cases it is belly-flopping into our lives, where it need not interfere. All these recent bailouts and government interferences in the free market have damaged our economy far more than they have helped.

FDR proved that throwing more money at a recession or depression does nothing but make it worse. The best thing the government can do, is stay out of it, and focus on those things it was originally designed to do, like protect our borders.

Read the rest of what I had to say: Government Spending is Out of Control


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