Obama Checks Out a 16 Year Old's Butt

Indiscreto di Obama...
Oh là là US President delegate's bum...
16-year old from Rio catches Obama's eye... MORE...
A matter of international interest...
Has Barack been taking lessons from Berlusconi?

So who is this girl that caught dirty Obama's eye?

Here is another pic of the girl, from the front.

Some pics via

Doubt Obama was really looking? Well, he has done it before.


Shane Vander Hart said...

I hate to defend Obama, but pictures can deceive. If you watch the video here - http://pinkelephantpundit.com/2009/07/10/get-over-the-picture-please/ you'll see it's taken out of context. Now Sarkozy on the other hand...

Nifty Nick said...

I hate to disagree with you, but the picture clearly shows him checking out her butt well before the woman above him starts to step down, and his eyes follow the girl, even as he helps her down. Futhermore, as a man, I know the trick of taking a peek, while pretending to do something else. I'm not proud of it, it is simply an inborn instinct. Face it, Obama likes the booty.

Nifty Nick said...

Also, there is always this photo, if you doubt where he was staring: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_vy3UL7MX7Ok/SldOIrBXR_I/AAAAAAAAAkI/ByEp0r8iFwA/dirtyobama1.jpg

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