Top Ten Pork Projects

Top 10 Porky Projects
By Eric BollingCo-Host, “Happy Hour,” FOX Business Network/Host, “The Strategy Room,”

With the economy on the brink, President Obama has put forward some gutsy spending initiatives. He says they will help jumpstart the economy and bring it back to life. But some of his spending may not be for the good of all the people, I gather.

As the dollar signs flashed before my eyes, I set out on a mission to find some of the more ridiculous earmarks and porky projects.

Here are some highlights…ah…lowlights:

Top Ten “Porky” Projects:
10-$1.7 million for a honeybee lab
9- $800,000 to study catfish genetics
8- $8 billion train from Las Vegas to San Francisco
7- $5 million for salaries at the Sugar Beet Lab in Michigan
6- $500,000 for the fruit fly research
5- $200,000 for Tattoo removal in Los Angeles
4- $400,000 to train teachers on bullying
……and the bronze, silver and gold go to these stars:
3- $59 million to study the mating habits of the Pacific salmon
2- $2 million for astronomy awareness in Hawaii!
1- $1.8 million to study the effect of swine odor on the environment


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