I know people have problems with him, I do as well. But until I see another serious contender that could do a better job than Romeny, I am willing to overlook his shortcomings.
Conservative superstar Sarah Palin opened the door yesterday to joining forces with Mitt Romney for a 2012 White House run - a hot ticket that has some Republicans licking their chops at the prospect of unseating President Obama.
“Sounds pretty good,” Palin declared at yesterday’s Tea Party Express rally on the Common when asked about pairing up with the former Bay State governor - giving the idea a big thumbs-up as she left the stage after her headline speech.
Last night, as Palin stopped for cannoli at Mike’s Pastry in the North End, she said she was “serious” about the idea.
“I have a lot of respect for Mitt,” she told the Herald.
Romney, a presumptive 2012 Republican presidential contender who recently embarked on a nationwide book tour, has not ruled out an alliance with Palin, the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential candidate.
“Mitt Romney respects Sarah Palin and he appreciates the contributions she makes to the party,” said Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom. “But his immediate focus is on helping Republicans win back the Congress in 2010.”
Photo by Arthur Pollock, AP file
You have me drooling too! Amazing changes could occur if the two of them team up. Looking forward to seeing more.
If Palin is at the top of the ticket, I would support it. I still can't trust Romney for his flip-flops on abortion, and for fastening RomneyCare on Massachusetts. Besides, the man seems to have made a career out of running for ever-higher office. That's not a good sign.
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