Here is part 4 of the 100 most influential conservatives. Any names you disagree with? You can also visit the Telegraph for more info on each conservative.
21. Andrew Breitbart
22. Bobby Jindal
Governor for Louisiana
23. Sean Hannity
24. Charles Krauthammer
25. David Brooks
26. Mark Levin
Talk radio host
27. Mitch McConnell
Senator for Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader
28. Laura Ingraham
Talk radio host
29. Joe Lieberman
Senator for Connecticut
30. Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court justice
31. John Boehner
Minority leader, House of Representatives
32. Karl Rove
Commentator, former strategist for George W Bush
33. David Frum
34. Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee
35. Edwin Feulner
President, Heritage Foundation
36. John Bolton
Former US ambassador to the UN
37. Tom Coburn
Senator for Oklahoma
38. Rich Lowry
Editor of National Review Online
39. Mitch Daniels
Governor of Indiana
40. John Thune
Senator for South Dakota
Check back later for the rest of the list, from
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