When you rest the shotgun on your foot, don't pull the trigger.

When you rest the shotgun on your foot, don't pull the trigger.


MacGuru said...

Does the NRA teach gun safety? I think not, otherwise bubba's like this one wouldn't shoot their feet.

Nifty Nick said...

To be fair, yes the NRA does teach gun safety, http://www.nrahq.org/safety/eddie/infoparents.asp

And not all gun owners are members of the NRA.

But you are right, he wasn't very smart with his gun. Resting on your foot, or any other place that could cause injury, isn't smart.

Aiping Wang said...

They get no direct sunlight on their skin, which is necessary for creating vitamin D, serotonin, melatonin and other hormones that help you to feel good and get adequate sleep.

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