Pastor Terry Jones' Planned Burning of the Quran

I'll come right out and say that I don't agree with this "demonstration." That isn't to say it doesn't fall under his right to free speech, but I personally don't agree with it. But just as we have the freedom to speak, to burn flags and bibles, we also have the right to freedom of religion. I just don't view it as a legitimate form of protest or disagreement. What are your thoughts?


Francis W. Porretto said...

Not only is it legitimate, it's morally obligatory and vitally necessary.

Anonymous said...

Finally, somebody who agrees with me! Even if this Florida guy is crazy, he makes a solid point: if buring the Koran causes a bunch of offendees to go on the rampage, what do we value more: free speech or our own necks? We'll get nowhere by kowtowing to "it's a potential terrorist recruiting tool." Hell, the fact that I have freedom is a terrorist recruiting tool, so there's no end in sight...or we could just shoot 'em.

Blessed Owen said...

I thot it had the chance to put Hamas/Jihad in the ground, sir, to make U.S. wiseabove. But, alas, TJ fell under the filthy, liberal mindset of letting EVERYone have control, even if it means we'll be in slavery (like the billionaires who worship the Devil soon to croak). We're ALL mortal, friend; then, we must choose based on our puny lifetimes what realm we inhabit, Heaven or Hell. Most of U.S. are going down: WE JUST DON'T GOT TIME FOR JESUS ANYMORE. We're much tooo busy. Sorry --- So, yeah, I think TJ could've made a HUGE statement, finite though it was, to rally alla the Crazy-Right-Wingers to his cause. But, alas, AGAIN, the media coverage, controlled by the billionaires, have once again made a mockery out of U.S. and let IslamoFacism get a foot in the door. How nice. Can't you see now WHY a whole lotta people are going to the Abyss o'Misery forever in this Finite Existence? God bless.

Nifty Nick said...

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts.

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