Michelle Obama - Ugly

Am I racist because I think she is ugly?


brucestrav said...

Not racist, just a normal American man.

ACSial said...

She's no Kerry Washington, or Aisha Tyler, but she's NOT ugly. BTW, neither is Sarah Palin no Kate Beckinsale, or Jennifer Garner. Really, they're comparable--pleasant-looking women with nice legs. Michelle isn't as 'homely' as people say she is, and Sarah isn't as 'dumb' as the media paints her.

The Obamas' lovely little gals got their looks from SOMEWHERE...not their cyanotic-lipped, Ratatouille-eared nerd of a dad. (are ugly ears some sort of Presidential Eligibillity requirement, like U.S. birth?) The willowy, runway model-stunning Malia, in particular, looks like her mom. Our Prime Minister Harper should svat his very hansome son, Ben, to her, in exchange for not reopening NAFTA.

Oddly, it's WOMEN who seem to hate Michelle Obama, probably 'cause she's married to the Alpha Male. Humans being animals, they tend to act like dogs. We saw this clearly, with the 'feminist' hate-fest for Bill Clinton's various women.

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