Lefty Political Definitions

From Gavin Kanowitz
Worldoreason blog

Alternative Press - An alternative but very often only to sanity.
Anarchist - The foot fungus of the political world.
Anti-Globalization Protest - A chance to wreak havoc at the taxpayer’s expense.
Anti-Zionism - The politically correct form of Anti-Semitism.
Capitalism - All that which is evil. Even if it pays the bills.
Fidel Castro - A Great leader. Suppression of Free Speech and Democracy aside.
Noam Chomsky - Leading scholar of the school of ‘Progressive’ Political Hypocrisy.
Collective - A group structure implemented to water down individuality with mediocrity.
Colonialism Blame Theory - Excuse for Third World politicians to continue being second rate leaders and first rate scoundrels.
Communism - A failed philosophy except in the mind of university intellectuals.
Dead White Men - Thinkers blocking the path of the illogical.
Egalitarian Belief - The reduction of all to an equality with nothing.
Environmental Movement - Fascism for Vegetarians.
Feminism - A convenience for women to be just as idiotic as men.
Foreign Aid - Petty Cash for the bribery process.
Free Enterprise - Biased system favoring those with talent and a drive for hard work.
Freedom Fighter - A murderer with good taste.
Free Speech - That which all claim to champion but secretly wish to crush.
Hierarchy - A direct path leading to the most incompetent.
Marxism - Philosophy that for all purposes should have remained a theory.
Political Correctness - Twisted semantics that functions to strangle free thought.
Ralph Nader - Politician unelectable at any speed.
Oppressed - What every lefty dreams of being.
Peace - Ideal worth killing others over.
People of Color - Phrase foolishly used by those who claim to be politically color-blind.
Progressive Force - ‘Forward Thinking ‘ politics of the ideology that bought you the Gulags, Killing Fields and Purges.
Racism/Sexism - Common catch words designed to end debate.
Socialism - Marketing euphemism for Communism.
State Socialism - Rule by the ultimate corporate monopoly.
Taxes - The punishment for working too hard.
Trade Unions - A lefty’s best friend, until he/she tries to enter the job market.
Trotskyite - A Marxist on Uppers.
United States - A country that can do no right. Contrast with Iran, China, North Korea and the old Soviet Union.
Welfare - The right of those who abhor work.


Nifty Nick said...

Awesome :)

10ksnooker said...

Good list, but it could go on forever ...

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